the nation

Send a Child to Camp!
Change a Life.

Every year, SaUnite sends 50-60 kids from various communities across the Cape Flats on a Camp.

#SaUnite believes strongly in the value of the camp experience and wants to ensure that every child has the opportunity to attend camp. We understand that many families cannot afford to send their children to camp. This is why we have established this platform as an opportunity for caring individuals or organizations who also believe in the value of camp to support camp scholarships at SaUnite camps.

Just R650 will send a child to camp for 3 days.

Just one camp experience can positively change a child’s life forever.

Camp is an experience every child deserves.

There’s no amount too big or small.

Camp celebrates diversity and promotes tolerance. It holds a mirror up so children can see, no matter what their color, gender, or socioeconomic circumstances, that who they are is beautiful inside and out.